The Balinese spatial system and traditional architecture is a cultural heritage that should be preserved. One of Balinese traditional spatial and architectural concepts is hulu-teben. This concept divides an area, both in macro and micro level, into hulu which is sacred and teben that is profane. Bali Aga villages generally use the hulu-teben concept either at the macro or the village level and micro or the housing unit / karang umah level, but this concept is not applied uniformly. One of the Bali Aga villages that has a unique hulu-teben concept is the Bayung Gede Village, especially at the micro-scale, namely the housing unit or karang umah. This article tries to elaborate on the uniqueness of the hulu-teben concept of Bayung Gede Village through a spatial system dialogue, especially the hulu-teben concept of several Bali Aga villages with Bayung Gede Village. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method through observation and study of literature on similar studies. The findings obtained are that the hulu-teben on the micro-scale or Karang umah in the Bali Aga villages generally follows the hulu-teben on the macro/village scale, but the village of Bayung Gede has its own uniqueness, that is, the hulu-teben of karang umah follows the concept of the Sanggah mehulu ke tegehe and yeh membah ke teben. As a result, the hulu zone is far from Rurung Gede or the village main road as the axis that connects the village hulu and teben.
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