Collaboration has become a major force for the Government to overcome policy problems that occur, the collaboration in questionis collaborative governance that needs to be made in accordance with concrete goals, especially on public transportation issues. The presence of a public transportation program is able to have a positive impact on the environment and the surrounding community. The concept of governance in transportation studies aims because of the diversity in the dimensions or interpretation of governance which is appropriate when applied to the transportation sector and can observe its progress by following its development starting from the manufacturing process. So that in its implementation it is necessary to cooperate between different organizations but have the same sectoral boundaries. This study aims to determine the conditions of collaboration governance and obstacles in the implementation of policies related to public transportation. The data source used in this research comes from a collection of various scientific journals. The method used in the analysis of this research is to use the literature review method. The results of this study indicate that collaborative governance in implementing public transportation policies is very important and needed in the operation of a program, so that the Government involves several stakeholder sectors, especially in the private sector according to the capabilities and positions needed. This is done so that the program being run can operate properly in accordance with the initial objectives that have been discussed together. However, the collaboration process is not so easy, there are obstacles such as difficulties in accessing the system and less than optimal communication.
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