• Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development

    Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development

    ISBN : 978-623-95976-1-0

    Authors: Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Emma Porio, PhD., [et al]

    Editors: Prof. Dr. Bustanul Arifin, Emma Porio, PhD., Gede Sedana.

    Pages: xi+766

    Size : 21 cm × 29,7 cm

    Published: 2023

    This proceeding is a collection of scientific works by speakers from various institutions/universities and various backgrounds of expertise which were presented at the International Conference on MULTI-DISCIPLINES APPROACHES FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT which was held on December 16th, 2022 at Dwijendra University. This conference was attended by 132 participants and invited guests from various institutions and universities in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia and India. There were 102 papers presented from various institutions and universities.

    The proceeding is available to download for free.