• Dicky Marsadi Study Departement of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Business, Dwijendra University
  • I Wayan Dirgayana Study Departement of Agrotekchnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Business, Dwijendra University


Abundance of Mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) on several varieties of cassava (Manihot spp.) in Buleleng Regency. This study was conducted with the aim of determining population abundance, diversity index, composition and similarity index of mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) that attack cassava in several varieties in Buleleng Regency. This study used a survey method starting from September 2022. The location for the research in Buleleng Regency was determined diagonally so that 5 sample units were obtained. For each sample unit, 5 plants were taken and observed purposively. On each plant, 3 leaves were taken from the top, 3 in the middle and 3 at the bottom which were attacked by mealybugs. The results showed that there were 4 species of mealybugs that attacked 5 varieties of cassava plants with an abundance of 2,142 mealybugs recorded. The species of mealybugs that attacked the Anturan, Cicih, Gadang, Kuning and Prau varieties were Phenacoccus manihoti-Ferrero, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Granara de Willink, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell and Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi Gimpel-Miller with a low diversity index (<1.5). The composition of mealybugs showed that there were 2 dominant species, namely P. manihoti (49%) with a population density of 4.844 individuals per leaf and P. marginatus (48%) with a population density of 4.436 individuals per leaf. the similarity index for each variety has a value ranging from 0.67 to 1.


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