• Adi Riyan Pangestu Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka University
  • M.B. Ali Sya’ban Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka University
Keywords: Flood, Rivers, Disaster mitigation


Flood is a disaster that occurs in a watershed caused by an excess amount of water from the capacity of the river. Pesarean Village is a village located in Tegal Regency, Indonesia, which is often hit by floods, especially during the rainy season. The flood disaster was caused by the overflow of the Jembangan river which crossed the Pesarean village. This study aims to reveal the causes of flooding in the village of Pesarean. uses a quantitative research methodology with a descriptive approach, by processing primary data in the form of field observations and secondary data from local authorities. With result Pesarean Village is located in the lowlands and is crossed by the Jembangan River which overflows when it rains and causes flooding;  The jembangan river is a tributary of the river that crosses Pesarean village and functions as a drainage, with conditions full of sedimentation resulting in obstacles to river flow and reduced rainwater storage capacity; Population density and land use, where the majority of settlements are settlements, reduce the carrying capacity of land as a water catchment.


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How to Cite
Adi Riyan Pangestu, & M.B. Ali Sya’ban. (2023). STUDY OF FLOOD CAUSES IN PESAREAN VILLAGE, ADIWERNA DISTRICT, TEGAL REGENCY. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 269-275. Retrieved from