• Dwi Purnomo Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, GunungJati Swadaya University, Indonesia
  • Wachdijono Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, GunungJati Swadaya
  • Akhmad Jaeroni Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, GunungJati Swadaya
  • Cristine N. Ferrer Tarlac Agricultural University, Philippines
  • Nelia Fariani Siregar Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, GunungJati
Keywords: cirebon, coffee shops, consumer satisfaction, indicator, loading factor


A company whose customers are dissatisfied and not immediately responded to, the company will go bankrupt. This is because consumers who are not satisfied have the potential to leave and then switch their purchases to other companies. Therefore, efforts are needed to build consumer satisfaction so that the existence of the company does not go bankrupt. This study aims to build coffee shop customer satisfaction and is carried out in May-October 2022. The research design uses a quantitative descriptive survey method. The research population is coffee shop consumers in Cirebon City, West Java Province, whose number is not limited. For this reason, the technique for determining the number of samples is based on a loading factor of 0.5 so that the number of samples is set at 120 respondents. Data analysis used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) instrument with the AMOS application. The results showed that the highest loading factor value was on the "satisfied" indicator, which was 0.84 and was used as the main guideline for building consumer satisfaction, which included efforts: 1) fast service, 2) availability of various brewing equipment, 3) room concept that instagrammable, 4) welcoming waiters or baristas, 5) online marketing, 6) application-based services, 7) drive-thru facilities, 8) customer loyalty program innovation, 8) product innovation, 9) branding technology, 10) meeting room, and 11) always pay serious attention to the marketing mix (7 P). It is suggested to coffee shop managers in Cirebon City to seriously increase their attention to the "satisfied" indicator and their efforts to build customer satisfaction. It is suggested to other researchers conduct further research on coffee shop consumer preferences in efforts to build consumer satisfaction to develop knowledge that is more useful theoretically and practically.


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How to Cite
Dwi Purnomo, Wachdijono, Akhmad Jaeroni, Cristine N. Ferrer, & Nelia Fariani Siregar. (2023). BUILDING COFFEE SHOP CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 710-719. Retrieved from