• Putu Gde Ery Suardana Dwijendra University
  • I Ketut Adhimastra Dwijendra University
Keywords: front fence, lighting disturbance angle, linear regression


Simple Residential House Developers usually build in a typical manner; both size, shape and size. Room lighting is given in the form of windows, the area is also typical. So that when determining the height of the front yard fence, many problems arise regarding the requirements for the amount of light that enters the room. Lack of room lighting can cause bad consequences such as; eye fatigue, mental fatigue, sore eyes, eye damage etc. To overcome this, it is necessary to study the requirements for the amount of lighting in the room on the influence of the height of the front fence. This study was carried out in the form of measurements/observations in housing "X" in Denpasar. The study was carried out by studying the literature which required rules for the angle of interference in room lighting in residential homes. Then the data obtained was analyzed by linear regression, making it easier for each owner or occupant of the simple house to estimate the height of the walls. Determination of the height of the fence according to the function of the room against the planned disturbance angle. The result is for a jamming angle of 18°. The Y value as the height of the fence is 0.325X-0.014, for a disturbance angle of 24°, the Y value is 0.445X-0.0005, for a disturbance angle of 30° the value of Y is as high as 0.577X-0.0005, for a disturbance angle of 37.5° the value Y is 0.767X-0.0009 and the disturbance angle is 45° as high as the distance between the fence and the wall of the room (X = distance from the fence to the wall of the room).

It can be concluded that by applying this linear regression formula, the height of the front fence of the house can meet the room lighting requirements. It is recommended that residents of simple houses who want to build a front fence apply this simple linear regression formula.


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How to Cite
Putu Gde Ery Suardana, & I Ketut Adhimastra. (2023). SIMPLE HOUSE FRONT FENCE HIGH RELATIONSHIP ON ROOM LIGHTING. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 687-690. Retrieved from