• I Ketut Adhimastra Dwijendra University
  • Putu Gde Ery Suardana Dwijendra University
Keywords: Umah,  meten, Umah  meten, meaning, architecture


Umah  meten is a traditional Balinese building. Umah  meten also has other names such as: Omah  meten, Bale  meten, Bale Daje, Bale Paturon, Bale Sakaulu and Bale Sakutus.

Other buildings besides Umah  meten in traditional Balinese dwellings, are: Bale Dangin, Bale Dauh, (according to the cardinal directions), the other names are adjusted to the number of columns, if there are four columns it is called Bale sakepat, if there are six columns it is called bale sakenem and so on until the columns 12 called bale sakeroras. However, among the names of these buildings, only  meten is called UMAH. While the others are called Bale. Why is only  meten called Umah? This is what we should know so that we understand the uniqueness of Umah  meten.

This study explores several references to answer questions in this study. There are references in the field of architecture, there are those in the field of culture and religion, and there are also references in the field of tourism. This reference is deliberately used, not only from the field of architectural engineering. However, also in other fields. Because to answer this research question, it is necessary to look for its relation to other field references so that the relevance of the answer can be accepted.

It was found in this study that Umah  meten is meaningful as a guideline for the size of other building layouts. Umah  meten also provides an understanding of a unified building in a traditional Balinese house, where Umah  meten has a door for entry and exit. Meanwhile, another building called Bale has no doors. A link was also found between umah and the rice fields, so that in one paumahan unit there is always a barn as a place to store produce from the fields.


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How to Cite
I Ketut Adhimastra, & Putu Gde Ery Suardana. (2023). UMAH METEN IN ARCHITECTURE MEANING. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 171-175. Retrieved from