Animated Video Based on Wondershare Filmora Can Improve Integrated Thematic Learning in Elementary School

Animated Video Based on Wondershare Filmora Can Improve Integrated Thematic Learning in Elementary School

  • Yeni Erita Padang State University
  • Atika Ulya Akmal Padang State University
  • Risda Amini Padang State University
  • Yanti Fitria Padang State University
  • Afifah Putri Padang State University
Keywords: Animation Video, Wondershare Filmora, ADDIE Models



This research is motivated by the lack of use of interesting and fun animated video learning media for students, especially in technology-based media and during the learning process students are less active in the learning process using animated videos. There is still little development of technology-based learning media because teachers are only guided by theme books, MRT books, and other supporting books as sources as well as learning media, occasionally teachers show videos from YouTube. This study aims to develop instructional media in the form of animated videos using Wondershare Filmora in integrated thematic learning in class V Elementary Schools that are valid, practical and effective.

The results of the research developed, obtained the results of the validity level of learning media in integrated thematic learning with a total validation of 91% in the very valid category. Furthermore, the results of practicality trials of learning media in integrated thematic learning are stated to be very practical. Where the teacher's response questionnaire scored 90.6% in the very practical category and 45 student response questionnaires in three schools scored 86% in the very practical category. Then the results of the effectiveness of learning media in the form of animated videos using Wondershare Filmora in integrated thematic learning were stated to be very effective. This can be seen from the evaluation results of students in three schools obtaining a score of 80.7% in the very effective category


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How to Cite
Yeni Erita, Atika Ulya Akmal, Risda Amini, Yanti Fitria, & Afifah Putri. (2023). Animated Video Based on Wondershare Filmora Can Improve Integrated Thematic Learning in Elementary School. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 572-579. Retrieved from