The aging process is naturally occurred, it brings some consequences of appearing a physical, mental and social problem so that the elderly will undergo a limitedness. The facility provision for some pedestarians (pavement) those used by the elderly community as safe way in getting arround are still not hospitable yet to the elderly, it’s especially at some street segments in Denpasar. In the context within item, it’s conducted a research to the pavement condition that’s available in Denpasar city. The research purpose is to find out weather the made pavements are hospitable for the elderly. It results show that plentiful pavement are not hospitable yet for the elderly, such as its width, the curb hight and the pavement street slope, so that it can cause accident the elderly (the other users). In fulfilling the set standards, it’s designed the ergonomic pavement that’s hospitable to the elderly so it can give a confort and safety term to the elderly.
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