• Joni Wahyubuana Usop Jurusan Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Palangka Raya
Keywords: Design, Rattan Chair, Sustainable Furniture


The Rattan Chair Design Used Sustainable Concept in Palangka Raya-Central Kalimantan. Rattan is a material that is attached to the culture in Central Kalimantan. Rattan are still being developed by local craftsmen. Handicraft development that was originally used in supporting daily activities, into handicraft products commercially. Rattan weaving crafts ranging from simple containers, mats, hats, shoes, to furniture. Furniture is an important element of the interior space to support user activity and improve the quality of the room. Rattan furniture was not the best option for consumers and the furniture in Central Kalimantan. Wood still dominate as the material selection of furniture. Rattan material, which is still available in Kalimantan, could be an alternative material other than wood, which is on the wane and hard to find. Rattan is an environmentally friendly material choice and sustainable as furniture material. Research aims to produce rattan chair design that are environmentally friendly. Besides, this research also seeks to reduce the use of wood materials diminishing availability in Central Kalimantan. The research used design exploration method, design process by using a rattan chair sustainable concept. Design process begins with a search availability of materials, rattan craftsmen preparedness, and review of the literature that support research process. Chair design process begins with the excavation process by sketching shapes. Determination of dimension, ergonomic, and technical drawing. At the end of the study, made chair prototype with artisan. Collaboration and elaboration rattan chair together artisans, as part of the development and application design concept of sustainable furniture.


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How to Cite
Usop, J. W. (2019). DESAIN KURSI ROTAN DENGAN KONSEP BERKELANJUTAN DI PALANGKA RAYA-KALIMANTAN TENGAH. Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya Dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA), 1(1), 187-208. Retrieved from