• Ghufroni Arsyad Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta
Keywords: Perception, Quality, Public Open Space, Multidimensional Scaling (MdS), Square


Square (alun-alun) is a strategic public open space in the center of the city in Java which for socio-culture people activity. In Java square divide into two parts that are north square and south square. North square is more complex then south square which has an attractiveness. There is a spatial configuration between activity and physical setting in this area to the facility around it that is great mosque, market, bangsal, kiosks, and the Surakarta kingdom facility. The problem of this study there is a quality decrease of public open space when it uses for market building relocation so that a different pattern of activity which spontaneity around the open space. This study for identifying, 1) index of quality of public open space based on user perception how the level of responsibility, democracy, meaningfully dan maintenance 2) the Important of element factors that influence the user's perception in choosing Square public open space.  

This study uses quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative method used for to know how the problem and user perception to the public open space while the perception is related to physical quality and important elements that influence the random sampling technique of 100 visitors and 40 merchants. In testing and analysis, quantitative methods are used as primary data obtained in the field, then analysis with Multidimensional scaling on the IBM SPSS program to see configuration patterns, Stress and RSQ levels and perception maps. The results and discussion show that the public open space quality index is 58, 66% (sufficient). Level of responsibility 59,1%, Democracy 59.4% Meaningfully 65.3% and maintenance 50.8%. The lowest value for public open space elements is seat 46, 57% and the highest value of the ease of access is 79.57%. Multidimensional Scaling results are STRESS 0, 47086 and RSQ 0, 35845. Factors that influence users' perceptions in choosing public open spaces are Pedestrian 1, 87 (rank 1), Seating 1.82 (rank 2), Parking 1.45 (Rank 3). Seating gets the lowest score of 46.5% and the highest value Access reaches 79.5%. Effective activity time is 12.00-16.00 based on place centred mapping. The location is crowded and many sellers of food/drink are the determinants of visitors' perceptions. Visitors and traders are dominated by women (57%). The conclusion is that the elements that influence the public open space are seating and pedestrians. The user's perception of the quality of public open space is enough with a value of 51.52%. The characteristics of visitors are dominated by visitors from within the city with shopping destinations that visit during the day at 10:00-15.00, while traders are dominated by souvenir and non-food traders (goods), with models of kiosks and stalls with rental status open between 09.00- 3:00 p.m. Based on the results of this study, researchers concluded that it is necessary to do planning and designing public open spaces to improve quality.

Author Biography

Ghufroni Arsyad, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Magister Desain kawasan binaan, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta


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How to Cite
Arsyad, G. (2019). PERSEPSI PENGGUNA TERHADAP KUALITAS RUANG TERBUKA PUBLIK KOMPLEKS DI ALUN-ALUN UTARA SURAKARTA. Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya Dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA), 1(1), 61-98. Retrieved from