Soybean is a strategic commodity with very high demand with huge variations and high value of processed products ranging from feed, food, energy, and industrial raw material. This study was done to determine potential use of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial to promote growth and increase the yield of soybean under the greenhouse experiment. Five isolates of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial namely FN1, FN2, FL3, FL4, and FL5 were tested for their effectiveness to promote the growth and increase the yield of soybean. Treatments with isolates of Bali’s indigenous rhizobacterial significantly improved the growth of soybean, in which the plant height, diameter of stem, the fresh and dry weight of shoot, the fresh and dry weight of root, content of chlorophyll in the leaf, and the number of nodule significantly (p<0.05) higher on treated plants when compared to control. These treatments were also significantly increased the yield. The number of pod per plant, the weight of pod per plant and content of protein in the seed of treated plants were significantly higher than that of control. Molecular identification based on 16S rRNA gene sequence showed that FN1 and FL5 isolate were similar to Kleibsiella pneumonia with the similarity level at 98%. FN2 isolate was similar to Kleibsiellavariicolawith the similarity level at 99%, FL3 isolate was similar to Proteus mirabilis with the similarity level at 100%, and FL4 isolate was similar to Providenciarettgeri with the similarity level at 99%. These Bali’s indigenous rhizobacteria may be further developed as plant growth-promoting agents to increase the yield andprotein content of soybean.
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