• Ayu Putu Utari Parthami Lestari Architecture Department Ngurah Rai University
  • Made Ratna Witari Architecture Department Ngurah Rai University
  • I Gede Gandhi Silantara Architecture Department Ngurah Rai University
Keywords: housing compound, Penglipuran, tourism, transformation


This particular traditional Village located in Bangli Regency has been known since the 1960s as a popular tourist attraction. Its neat traditional settlements with uniform entrances, cool air, and vehicle-free village roads so that pedestrians are able to explore the village are some of the ideas offered there. This village is also an ancient village called Bali Aga, with architectural differences from traditional Balinese architecture in Denpasar, Kuta, or other places. The fame of the village was then accompanied by the presence of tourism with the lure of increasing income. Consequently, the architecture of Penglipuran Village as well as other places in Bali also adjusts. Some of the changes that have occurred are the addition of tourism support facilities such as souvenir stalls, or food vendors. Even though there are some restrictions on the spaces in Penglipuran, such as on the west side of the village, the front of the house is left a little just for entrance because it is cut off by the Merajan. It is interesting to know how strong the tourism insistence on these limitations is. Research is carried out with field studies, observations, and literature studies. Mainly compare the west side of the village with the east side and see if it is true that the west side is not affected by changes. At the end of the research, it was discovered that the previous hypothesis was not quite right. Research finds that both the west side and the east side, have undergone changes. Tourism that enters the village can increase the fighting power and creativity of residents beyond the limitations of the remaining space


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How to Cite
Ayu Putu Utari Parthami Lestari, Made Ratna Witari, & I Gede Gandhi Silantara. (2023). EAST VERSUS WEST: HOW TOURISM EFFECT HOUSING COMPOUND IN PENGLIPURAN. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 594-600. Retrieved from https://eproceeding.undwi.ac.id/index.php/mdasd/article/view/338