• I Gusti Agung Laksmi Swaryputri Dwijendra University
Keywords: communications, cross-cultural, culture, language


Indonesian society is a heterogeneous society in various aspects such as ethnic diversity, religion, language, customs and so on. Meanwhile, the increasingly rapid development of the world demands that humans have to interact with other parties that are headings towards a global directions, so that they no longer have boundaries, as a result of technological developments. Communication and culture have a reciprocal relationship. Culture becomes part of communication behavior and in turn communication also determines maintaining, developing or inheriting culture. On the one hand, communication is a mechanism for disseminating the culture norms of society, either horizontally from one society to another, or vertically from one generations to the next.


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How to Cite
I Gusti Agung Laksmi Swaryputri. (2023). CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION AND EFFECTIVENESS INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 509-514. Retrieved from