Communication is one of the most fundamental activities in human life. Interpersonal communication is commonly done between two or more people. This communication is effective if the communication is mutually open and provides positive feedback. It is emphasized how the application of interpersonal communication by the Christ Church pastor in Denpasar to students regarding the dangers of drug abuse and it requires a clear picture of the scope of this research. The conclusion of the study is that the application of pastor interpersonal communication to Students regarding the dangers of drug abuse are : (1) Pastor is very welcome to students and is willing to open counseling/services regarding students' views about the dangers of drugs. (2) In interpersonal communication, the pastor shows empathy , embraces , listens , and shows how he cares about drug abuse for students. (3) Pastors provide support to students by educating them and initiate collaborations by providing related speakers . (4) In building a positive attitude, the pastor does discussion in small or personal groups, self-control , and identity so that students are positive. (5) The attitude of equality of pastors in interpersonal communication makes them close and also tells the pastor's personal weaknesses in his youth so that they both know that everyone has problems and processes that need to be followed in order to become better.
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