• Dewa Made Dwicky Putra Nugraha Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: tri pramana, learning approach, lifelong learner


Lifelong learning is a concept of continuous learning in line with the developmental phases of humans. The practice of lifelong learners throughout formal education needs a relevant learning approach. Tri Pramana are three manners or ways to gain knowledge or truth namely, Praktyaksa Pramana, Anumana Pramana, and Sabda Pramana. This study aims at describing the Tri Pramana concept as a learning approach to develop lifelong learners. The method of the research was research library. The data were collected through the recording of documents on various relevant sources of books, research journals, and other literature the research objectives. The findings of the data collection process were documented and analyzed descriptively. The finding shows that the Tri Pramana-based learning approach can be implemented into several learning cycles consisting of PSA, PAS, SPA, SAP, APS, and ASP. Tri Pramana as a learning approach is significantly relevant to the need to develop lifelong learners. Generally, Tri Pramana-based learning is able to; 1) provide self-regulated learning on students, 2) foster a logical and open attitude in responding to problems, and 3) enable for continuous collaboration.


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How to Cite
Dewa Made Dwicky Putra Nugraha. (2023). TRI PRAMANA CONCEPT AS LEARNING APPROACH TO DEVELOP A LIFELONG LEARNER. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 228-236. Retrieved from