• I Made Purana Dwijendra University Denpasar
  • I Made Sanjaya Dwijendra University Denpasar
Keywords: nation entity, mentality, globalization


Starting from the condition of the nation and the challenges it faces, what the Indonesian nation must do in order to be able to stand side by side and sit on an equal footing with other nations is to improve the quality of human resources, both moral quality, social quality, and professional quality. Moral quality and social quality are related to national identity. Globalization, which is marked by homogenization, still needs a national identity as an identity in the interactions between nations. The identity of the Indonesian nation, which has begun to fade due to globalization, has caused the Indonesian nation to lose control and direction in building the future. Therefore, the development of national identity needs serious attention. The development of the national identity is not an instant thing, but it takes a long time and starts early and is carried out continuously. National identity development is not only related to intellectual issues, but also social and moral issues. The formation of morals and social ethics must be carried out from an early age. Therefore, national identity education is not only necessary, but must be taught since elementary school (elementary school). This identity education can be included in Citizenship or Pancasila subjects. For the Indonesian people, actually already has a reference for the development of national identity, namely Pancasila. Apart from being the basis of the state and way of life, Pancasila also functions as a soul and personality. nation. This conception has the consequence that Pancasila, must be the guide, guide for attitudes, actions, speech for the Indonesian nation. Therefore, Citizenship education is very urgent in the development of national identity.


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How to Cite
I Made Purana, & I Made Sanjaya. (2023). NATIONAL ENTITIES AND NATIONAL MENTALITY URGENCY IN THE FACE OF GLOBALIZATION. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 199-210. Retrieved from