• Dolly Priatna Program Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University
  • Budi Saputro Program Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University
  • Rosadi Program Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University
  • Isman Kadar Program Graduate School of Environmental Management, Pakuan University
Keywords: carrying capacity analysis, land use change, Purwakarta, sustainable food


Food is a basic human need. The provision of food is realized to meet the needs and consumption of food for the community, both individually and households in a sustainable manner. One of the efforts to realize domestic food availability is to maintain and develop productive lands. The purpose of this study was to analyze the rate of conversion of paddy fields on a spatial basis in the 2013-2017 period and the 2017-2021 period in Purwakarta Regency, project land availability and demand for paddy fields in 2045, and analyze the environmental carrying capacity of the district. The research was conducted in January-April 2022, in Purwakarta Regency, West Java, using a quantitative descriptive method using secondary data analyzed with ArcGIS 10.8, Powersim 10, and Google Earth Pro. The results showed that in the 2013-2017 period, paddy fields were reduced into built-up areas of 195.55 ha, and in the 2017-2021 period there was a reduction of paddy fields into built-up areas of 401.83 ha. Based on the spatial planning for the 2011-2031 Purwakarta Regency area, it is planned that there will be a change of rice fields into a built-up area of ​​3,742.94 ha. Purwakarta Regency will achieve food self-sufficiency if it has at least 14,439.65 ha of paddy fields, or the equivalent of producing 109,427.20 tonnes of rice. In the period 2031-2045 Purwakarta Regency will experience a food deficit and it tends to continue increasing until it reaches 43,527 tons of rice in 2045. The carrying capacity of the environment through the ecosystem services approach in Purwakarta Regency, namely in the form of providing food services in 2021 will reach 142,506.51 tons with food service recipients of 997,869 people. Recipients of food services will continue to increase to 1,095,934 people in 2045. There is a need for policy intervention through policy scenarios for optimizing paddy fields and increasing productivity, or a combination of both, to increase the carrying capacity of food in Purwakarta Regency.


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How to Cite
Dolly Priatna, Budi Saputro, Rosadi, & Isman Kadar. (2023). CARRYING CAPACITY ANALYSIS OF PADDY FIELD-BASED FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT IN PURWAKARTA REGENCY, WEST JAVAJUDUL. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 189-198. Retrieved from