• Ni Ketut Karyati Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: employees performance, agroindustry


The performance of Wahyu Dagang Business employees has so far experienced a decline, which is due to a lack of understanding of the management of existing resources. This study aims to determine the performance of employees in the tempeh agroindustry UD. Wahyu Panjer, South Denpasar. This research is expected to optimize employee performance so that income has increased. Employee performance is the result of work done by someone in an organization according to their duties and functions within a certain period of time in order to achieve the goals set by the organization. The population used in this study are active employees at UD. Wahyu as many as 15 people and all of them were used as respondents using the census method. The location was determined by purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out by observation, direct interviews with respondents and owners, and supported by documentation and publications or taking pictures. Data analysis in this study used descriptive qualitative data analysis. The results showed the performance of employees in the tempeh agroindustry UD. Wahyu is able to increase business income, because employees are more skilled after being given training, the services provided are getting better, so that customer satisfaction increases. This has an impact on increasing sales results, promotion and marketing continue to be improved, so that more consumers make purchases.


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How to Cite
Ni Ketut Karyati. (2023). EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN INCREASING REVENUE IN TEMPE AGROINDUSTRY UD. WAHYU IN PANJER, SOUTH DENPASAR. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 433-437. Retrieved from https://eproceeding.undwi.ac.id/index.php/mdasd/article/view/296