• Gede Irwandika Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Made Nadya Irananda Lestari Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
Keywords: interpreting, Indonesian, English, police, investigation


This study aimed to investigate the consecutive interpreting strategies used by an Indonesian interpreter, Putu Bellina, a student from Mahasaraswati Denpasar. This study examined police investigation from Bahasa Indonesia and it was interpreted into English and vice versa. Faerch and Kasper’s (1983) theory of consecutive interpreting strategy was applied in this research. The method in this research was qualitative. The data were collected through voice recordings taken during the investigation. The recording then was transcribed carefully into written form. The result showed that the interpreter used two types of consecutive interpreting strategies, namely reduction strategies, and achievement strategies. According to the findings, the interpreter used the reduction strategy, particularly the skipping strategy, the majority of the time during the interpreting process. It revealed that the skipping approach was used roughly 67% of the time, the incomplete sentence method was used 11% of the time, and the message abandonment strategy was used 22% of the time. Due to the abundance of superfluous words and phrases that slowed down the procedure, it may be inferred that the translator frequently used the skipping approach throughout the field inquiry. In order to get to the point, the interpreter chose to use the skipping technique. Despite the extensive use of skipping techniques, the fundamental meaning of each phrase was neither altered nor diminished.


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How to Cite
Gede Irwandika, & Made Nadya Irananda Lestari. (2023). CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING STRATEGIES IN THE POLICE FIELD INVESTIGATION. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 410-415. Retrieved from