• Hasbi Yogyakarta State University
  • Elviana Yogyakarta State University
  • Pradana Setialana Yogyakarta State University
  • Retyana Wahrini Yogyakarta State University
Keywords: material manual handling, tile craftsmen, production


In its current development, the tile industry is experiencing several obstacles. These obstacles are related to production factors that affect the smooth running of the production process. One of the production processes in tile making is the molding and drying process. The problem that occurs is that there are complaints from tile craftsmen, this complaint is based on the fatigue received by workers during the printing process and the drying process which is done directly by the craftsmen. The objectives of the research to be carried out are to: 1) Describe the understanding of tile craftsmen in the operation of Material Manual Handling; 2) Describe the tile craftsmen's understanding of the use of media in operating Material Manual Handling; 3) Analyze the tile craftsmen's understanding of the mastery of Material Manual Handling material. The population used is the roof tile business community in Godean District, Sidorejo Village, Godean District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research is a study that uses quantitative data analysis techniques with descriptive statistics, namely statistics used to analyze data by describing the data that has been collected. The results showed a positive relationship between (1) understanding of tile craftsmen in the operation of Material Manual Handling; (2) Understanding of media use; and (3) Understanding the use of guides in operating manual material handling. The competency competencies that have been analyzed in this study were obtained from questionnaires distributed to tile craftsmen.


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How to Cite
Hasbi, Elviana, Pradana Setialana, & Retyana Wahrini. (2023). APPLICATION OF MANUAL MATERIAL HANDLING IN TRADITIONAL TILE PRODUCTION PROCESS. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 358-364. Retrieved from