• Ni Luh Gede Karang Widiastuti Dwijendra University, Denpasar
Keywords: education service model, gifted children


The research carried out aims to determine the characteristics and models of educational services that can be developed so that gifted children obtain their right to education. This research was motivated by various cases that occurred related to the limitations of the education that gifted children received, not even a few of these children experienced discriminatory treatment. The research method is descriptive with data collection techniques in the form of literature studies from various references that are relevant to the observed symptoms. The collected data were analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner so that a variety of characteristics and models of education services for gifted children could be seen. The results showed that the characteristics of gifted children were viewed from 3 aspects including: academic, social/emotional, and physical/health aspects. Recognizing the characteristics of each child is also very important, because the characteristics of different children also require different methods and approaches used in the process of mentoring learning activities. Characteristics of services that suit the needs of gifted children include: adaptation of the learning environment, program adaptation, enrichment, sophistication of subject matter, updating of lesson content, and modification of the curriculum as an alternative. Models of educational services suitable for gifted children include: cognitive-affective service models, moral development service models, value development models, services in various special fields including: leadership and arts and performing groups. The educational service model that is designed must be able to facilitate the various needs inherent in gifted children


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How to Cite
Ni Luh Gede Karang Widiastuti. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS AND MODELS OF EDUCATION SERVICES FOR THE GIFTED CHILDREN. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 148-155. Retrieved from