• I Komang Dedik Susila Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: MALL, Quizlet Application, English for waiter/ss


English proficiency is essential skill for waiter/ss which indicates by vocabulary mastery. English proficiency can be empowered by the implementation of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL). This research aims at analyzing the effectiveness of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) through Quizlet Application to improve vocabulary in English for waiter/ss. The sample of this research was 26 students of FBS B at Mediterranean Bali Hospitality and Entrepreneur College in academic year 2022/ 2023. This research was quasi-experimental research in form of one group pretest-posttest design. The data were collected through test using ESP vocabulary test administered twice (pretest-posttest). The finding shows that the implementation of MALL through Quizlet Application to improve vocabulary in English for waiter/ss can be categorized as quite effective with N-Gain score 62,4%.


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How to Cite
I Komang Dedik Susila. (2023). THE EFFECTIVENESS OF MOBILE ASSISTED LANGUAGE LEARNING (MALL) THROUGH QUIZLET APPLICATION TO IMPROVE VOCABULARY IN ENGLISH FOR WAITER/SS. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 102-108. Retrieved from