• Vivi Oktaviani Wulandari International Master of Business Administration, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City
  • Chien-Chung Lu International Master of Business Administration, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City
Keywords: Teachers, work-related ICTs use after hours, job burnout, work-family balance


This study aims to identify the correlations between work-related ICTs use after hours (WIAH), work-family balance, and the possible role that job burnout plays as a mediator between these relations by examining the relationships between these three factors among 409 teachers in Indonesia. Each relationship between WIAH and job burnout and the relationship between WIAH and work-family balance can be identified as a significant positive relationship. However, there is a significant negative relationship between job burnout and work-family balance. Furthermore, when job burnout acts as a mediator, the correlation between WIAH and work-family balance becomes significantly negative. This study makes a contribution to research by developing an improved research model of how the relationship of WIAH and work-family balance and how job burnout mediates the relationship between these two factors. Secondly, the findings corroborated key aspects of the mediation model of job burnout.


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How to Cite
Vivi Oktaviani Wulandari, & Chien-Chung Lu. (2023). EFFECT OF WORK-RELATED ICTS USE AFTER HOURS ON WORK-FAMILY BALANCE AND MEDIATING ROLES OF JOB BURNOUT: EVIDENCE FROM TEACHERS IN INDONESIA. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 93-101. Retrieved from https://eproceeding.undwi.ac.id/index.php/mdasd/article/view/263