• Gede Sutrisna Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: listening, listening comprehension, Dictogloss, STAD, PDDT


Listening is the most frequently used language skills which plays a great role in the process of communication. Considering its vital importance, students should be taught to listen effectively and critically. Yet, listening is commonly recognized by EFL learners as the most difficult skill to master in English. Understanding a talk, lecture, or conversation in a foreign language can be challenging for them. The key factors include the speaker talking quickly, background noise, a lack of visual clues, the listener’s limited vocabulary, a lack of knowledge of the topic, and an inability to distinguish individual sounds. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for teachers to utilize appropriate strategy that help learners to develop their listening skill. This article intends to elaborate two innovative strategies for teaching listening: Dictogloss and Picture Drawing Dictation Technique (PDDT) with its basic concept and procedures of implementation.


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How to Cite
Gede Sutrisna. (2023). INNOVATIVE STRATEGIES IN DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ LISTENING SKILL. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 56-66. Retrieved from