• I Gusti Ayu Indah Triana Juliari Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Characteristics, English Learning Approach, Autism Spectrum Disorders


This research aims to investigate the characteristics and English learning approach for special need students, especially for autism students. This research used descriptive qualitative research design which focus on literature study from relevance references. The collected data were analyzed descriptively thus it could be seen the characteristics and English learning approach for autism students. The result of the study showed that the characteristics of autism students could be seen from their communication, social interaction, sensory disorders, play pattern, behavior, and emotional. The appropriate English learning approaches used for autism students were Differentiated Instruction as an Individual Based Learning Approach, Constructivism Learning Approach and the Whole Students Learning Approach. Differentiation learning required teachers who were experienced not only to understand and be able to identify students’ needs but also they were skilled to be flexible with the curriculum and modify learning based on the students’ needs. There were three methods could be followed by teachers in teaching and learning process, such as modify the content, apply the learning process, and designing the final product. Meanwhile, The effective implementation of constructivism approach for autism students were using various songs and games, involving students in solving problems, using some sources especially for students with special needs, and designing learning instruction. By implementing those strategies, it is expected the autism students could follow learning process like the ordinary students.


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How to Cite
I Gusti Ayu Indah Triana Juliari. (2023). CHARACTERISTICS AND ENGLISH LEARNING APPROACHES FOR STUDENTS WITH AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS. Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 339-345. Retrieved from