• Desak Made Sukma Widiyani Universitas Dwijendra
  • Frysa Wiriantari Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: architecture, dome, trend, transformation.


Dome architecture is currently a trend that is applied to buildings with various functions, especially in Bali. In this study, we will analyze the concept transformation of the dome architecture, especially those developing in Bali. The design concept analyzed is the form, function and use of materials. The purpose of this research is to provide information and education to the public about the trend of dome architecture that has developed from ancient times to the present. The research methodology used in this research is descriptive qualitative. This method begins with observations, looking at the existing conditions at the location. The results of this study are, several concept transformations of building design that apply dome architecture. The concept transformation starts from the shape of the roof on the jineng which almost resembles a dome, to the hemispherical shape that is applied to commercial buildings. The function of the building also varies, starting from the building as part of a traditional Balinese house with a function as a rice barn, then developing and adapting it to commercial buildings (villas and resorts), and becoming a vocal point in a villa/resort area. And lastly, the dome shape was displayed on the building at the G20 event which involved many leaders of other countries. The materials used are various, such as bamboo, wood, palm fiber, glass, plastic, and steel, and then back to bamboo which is a local material.



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How to Cite
Desak Made Sukma Widiyani, & Frysa Wiriantari. (2023). CONCEPT TRANSFORMATION OF DOME ARCHITECTURE IN BALI . Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 282-287. Retrieved from