• I Wayan Partama Putra Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Social Security, Government, Sustainable Development Goals


Indonesia is a unitary state which is currently at the level of a developing economy. Economic inequality is one of the various problems that arise in various countries, especially Indonesia, and the government is still trying to overcome it. Social security to the community is one of the important needs that must be upheld and implemented by the government in accordance to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution of Indonesian Republic. In the general provisions of article 1 paragraph (1) of Law Number 40 of 2004 concerning National Social Security implies that Social security is one of a security forms to ensure that all people can meet their basic needs for a decent life. Article 28H paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Indonesian Republic states that "everyone has the right for social security which enables his/her thorough development as a dignified human being." In Article 34 paragraph (2) which states: "The state develops a Social security System for all people and empowers those who are weak and incapable in accordance with humanitarian standards", as well as in Article 34 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Indonesian Republic which explains that "The State responsible for the provision of proper health service facilities and public service facilities. The mandate of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia becomes the basis on which the government must be committed to guarantee social security for Indonesian people. In this case, the implementation of the social security programs is one of the responsibilities and obligations of the State to provide socio-economic protection to the community. This study uses a juridical-normative method. The juridical-normative method is a scientific research procedure to find the truth based on the scientific logic of law from its normative side. From the formulation of the problem that has been defined, it can be concluded that the government guarantees the social welfare of the community through social security by creating a legal regulation to implement the governments’ objectives and by providing social security to the community, the government makes it easier for the community to get good social services and always strives to develop the welfare of society in general.


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How to Cite
I Wayan Partama Putra. (2023). SOCIAL SECURITY AS A GOVERNMENT EFFORT IN REALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs). Proceedings of The International Conference on Multi-Disciplines Approaches for The Sustainable Development, 276-281. Retrieved from