Geguritan Luh Lutung is full of life values, like religious life (Hinduism) which gave rise to life philosophy in the form of Tri Hita Karana. Tri Hita Karana means three causes of happiness. Tri Hita Karana consists of three elements, consist (1) human relations with God, (2) human relations with humans, and (3) human relations with nature. This concept has become the philosophy of Balinese life to maintain the balance of the universe and all its contents so as to create a prosperous and harmonious life. The problem in this study is how to harmonize Tri Hita Karana in the Luh Lutung Geguritan. The purpose of this research is to be able to analyze the form of harmonization of Tri Hita Karana in Geguritan Luh Lutung. The Tri Hita Karana concept will be discussed in this study using semiotic analysis. Geguritan Luh Lutung against the background of Balinese culture with the breath and soul of Hindu religious values as a product of Balinese society, needs to be considered in the disclosure of its meaning. The results of this study are the form of harmonization of Tri Hita Karana include: the conception of humans and God in the Luh Lutung Geguritan.
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