• I Komang Adi Sanjaya Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: Construction Waste, reduction, project


The construction sector is one of the important sectors to develop the economy. Minimizing construction waste has become an important issue and we recommend that the construction waste management system be appliedin all construction project. Activities on construction projects will cause waste, whether it is solid, liquid or gas waste. Many factors can cause construction waste. If the waste produced is not managed properly, it will disrupt the activities of the construction project itself and the environment around the project. Based on these problems, the research is carried out which aims to determine what factors are the cause of the emergence of construction waste on a project and how it is carried out on construction projects in Bali. From the results of the analysis it was found that the dominant factors that caused the emergence of construction waste were factors: lack of knowledge and skills, poor material handling, poor quality materials, inappropriate work methods. The most widely carried out construction waste management activities in projects in Bali included in the reduction category are: strict and periodic supervision of workers to minimize errors, have clear material handling procedures and material storage procedures, use of modular components to possible design, storage of material that avoids weather disruptions and is easy to reach, estimates the material needed carefully and carefully so as to


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How to Cite
Adi Sanjaya, I. K. (2019). PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH KONSTRUKSI PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN DI BALI. Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya Dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA), 1(1), 135-140. Retrieved from