The development of the Walanae River in Bone District continues to provide the benefits for society. The activity and the daily needs of the society who lived around the river very dependent on the river. Since long time ago, the civilization which lived around the river banks have a unique characteristic, they tend to make the river as a direction of their residence orientation. Today, the Walanae River is experiencing physical changes marked by catastrophic floods, pollution, and landslides. So, the activities of the society have to undergo an adaptation process. The process encouraged the emergence of a pattern of community living, especially in Welado Village, Ajangale District. The aim of this research was to find the characteristics of riverbank settlement patterns and to identify the elements that make up the settlement environment. The research approach that we used was qualitative descriptive by promoting the exploration methods. The data are presented in narrative, map and numerical form. The results showed that the village of Welado Village was developed with the Walannae River as the main source of life. The structure of the settlement pattern of the area was a linear stage house which follows the elongated river pattern. The orientation of the building with the front facade leads to the road while the flat topography influenced the adaptation to flooding disasters.
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