• Yosef Prihanto Pusat Penelitian Promosi dan Kerjasama, Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG)
  • Sesa Wiguna Direktorat Pengurangan Risiko Bencana, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB)
Keywords: multidimensional, architectural planning, disaster mitigation, water, society


Designing urban areas that are comfortable, safe, and able to meet all the life needs of its citizens is the hope of many parties. As the center of population growth, economy, industry and the center of government administration, urban areas are faced with the limitations of the carrying and capacity of the environment. Pressure due to environmental limitations is exacerbated by the impact of climate change that is increasingly felt and influences the presence of water around us. Many cities in Indonesia face disaster risks that can occur and threaten their citizens at any time. More than half of the events and types of disasters that can be identified are directly or indirectly related to the presence of water. Planning and designing urban architecture based on disastercannot override hydrological factors in the region. This paper aims to discuss the multidimensionality of urban architecture planning based on disaster mitigation especially those caused by the presence of water in the administrative area of ​​Semarang City. The data used in this discussion are secondary spatial data obtained from authorized institutions and the results of previous studies. The variables considered are: potential disasters, rainfall, groundwater potential, geology, soil type, population, density, education level, income level, and the level of willingness of the community to play a role. The analysis used is quantitative descriptive analysis combined with spatial analysis. The results of this discussion indicate that the architectural planning process that considers disaster aspects due to water, is theoretically able to contribute to disaster mitigation efforts. The willingness of the community plays a key role in the success of implementation efforts in the field. Through this discussion, it is expected that the architectural planning process can be more optimal, not only fulfilling aesthetic elements, but also fulfilling the element of disaster mitigation comprehensively in urban areas in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Prihanto, Y., & Wiguna, S. (2019). MULTIDIMENSI PERENCANAAN ARSITEKTUR KOTA BERBASIS MITIGASI BENCANA (Studi kasus Kota Semarang Jawa Tengah). Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya Dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA), 1(1), 271-284. Retrieved from