• Gede Sedana Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Dwijendra
  • I Made Sila Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: subak, environment, preservation, culture, agriculture


The rapid development and economic growth in Bali has led to an increase in land requirements for non-agricultural activities and increasingly complex competition for water use. In Bali, this condition can be a challenge and a threat to the sustainability of subak-subak with its agricultural culture. In fact, subaks have a multi-function for the community and the environment. Some subak functions are: (i) agricultural production function; (ii) hydrological function; (iii) social and cultural functions; (iv) economic function; (v) environmental function; and (vi) tourism function. These subak functions become support for the development of cultural tourism in Bali. The preservation of subak and its functions can be done through several efforts as follows: (i) implementing government regulations on sustainable food land; (ii) increasing the capacity of farmers to produce; (iii) facilitating subak business partnership activities; (iv) building agro-tourism, agro tourism or ecotourism based on subak; (v) implementing proper agricultural insurance; and (vi) determining of taxes that favor the farmers.


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How to Cite
Sedana, G., & Sila, I. M. (2019). MELESTARIKAN BUDAYA PERTANIAN DALAM MENDUKUNG PARIWISATA BUDAYA. Seminar Nasional Arsitektur, Budaya Dan Lingkungan Binaan (SEMARAYANA), 1(1), 177-186. Retrieved from