THE INFLUENCE OF PRICE EARNING RATIO (PER), DEBT OF EQUITY RATIO (DER), AND RETURN ON ASSET (ROA) ON PRICE BOOK VALUE (PBV) (Case Study on State-Owned Enterprises in The Energy and Mining Sector Listed on The Indonesian Stock Exchange)
In the last five years, the world's economic and business conditions have experienced many challenges and trials. The first is the occurrence of cases of the corona infectious disease which then spread to become a pandemic and also the occurrence of conflicts or wars in several countries. The recent regional wars or conflicts have had a significant impact on the energy and mining sectors, both in the region and throughout the world. This research aims to analyze the influence of Price Earning Ratio (PER), Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Assets (ROA) on Price Book Value (PBV) in Indonesian State-Owned Companies in the energy and mining sector listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The data in this research is secondary data in the form of quarterly financial data for the period 2019-2023. The approach in this research is quantitative descriptive. The research results show that 1). Price Earning Ratio (PER) has a positive but not significant effect on PBV. 2). Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) has a positive but not significant effect on PBV. 3). Return on Assets (ROA) has a positive and significant effect on PBV listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Price Earning Ratio (PER), Debt of Equity Ratio (DER) and Return on Assets (ROA) jointly influence the Price Book Value (PBV) of Indonesian State-Owned Companies in the energy and mining sectors listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange.
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