• Ida Ayu Nadia Maitarini ) Program Study of Management Faculty of Economy Business and Tourism, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • Ni Luh Adisti Abiyoga Wulandari Program Study of Management Faculty of Economy Business and Tourism, Universitas Hindu Indonesia
  • I Gede Aryana Mahayasa Program Study of Management Faculty of Economy Business and Tourism, Universitas Hindu Indonesia


Job satisfaction refers to how employees feel about their work, whether it's enjoyable
or not. The purpose of this study was to investigate how organizational culture, nonphysical work environment, and locus of control influence employee job satisfaction.
After conducting interviews with several employees, it was found that there were
several issues, such as the tasks given had to be completed by a predetermined
deadline, and there were incompatibilities with co-workers because of seniority. The
study was conducted at Yamaha Waja Motor Sentral Gianyar, with 42 employees
participating, using the saturated sampling method. Data was collected through
observation, interviews, documentation, literature, and questionnaires. The research
instrument tests, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, and F-tests were used
to analyze the data. The study found that organizational culture, non-physical work
environment, and locus of control all have a positive and significant effect partially
on employee job satisfaction. Additionally, all three factors combined have a
significant impact on job satisfaction. To help improve job satisfaction, the institution
can encourage employees to control their attitude while working by giving a warning
letter if necessary. Employees can also seek help from colleagues who understand
the work or their leaders to complete tasks they don't fully understand on time.


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