• Ni Made Intan Maulina Dwijendra University


Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) which belongs to the Brassicaceae family is a type of
vegetable plant originating from China. The increasing demand for Pakcoy in the
market has caused various ways to increase the yield of Pakcoy plants, one of which is
by applying rice washing water for watering. The purpose of this study was to
determine the response of Pakcoy plants to the application of watering with rice water
washing. The study was conducted with a Complete Randomized Design (RAK) of 4
repetitions and each repetition consisted of 6 polybags with a diameter of 20 cm so
that the total polybag pots were 24 pieces. The treatment of watering rice water is
distinguished by two compositions, namely P1 (1 liter of rice washing water + 1 liter of
clean water) and P2 (1 liter of rice washing water + 2 liters of clean water).
Observations include observations of plant height, number of leaves, and root length at
plant ages of 14 dap and 21 dap. The conclusion of this study was that pakcoy plants
responded to the application of watering with rice water wash. This is evidenced by the
results of the analysis which shows a real difference between control plants and plants
with treatment.


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