• Anak Agung Sagung Ngurah Indradewi Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Dwijendra
  • I Wayan Partama Putra Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Dwijendra
  • Yohan Kapitan


This research is entitled "Legal Consequences of Fiduciary Agreements Made Unilaterally by Financing Institutions Without the Presence of Consumer in front of Notary." The problem found in this research is the basis for granting a power of attorney from consumers to financial institutions, due to a lack of understanding from the public regarding fiduciary agreements, the situation This is often used by financial institutions to make unilateral fiduciary agreements and not involve consumers so that problems often arise in the future, including firstly, settlements in cases of default/broken promises occur outside of court by means of intimidation, violence and even ending in criminal charges. The second consequence of consumers not understanding about Fiduciary Guarantee Agreements is that there are losses due to unilateral decisions without involving second parties and third parties, in this case the court. Based on the background of the problems described above, the author formulates the problem as follows: What is the process of forming a fiduciary agreement? made unilaterally by a financing institution without the presence of the consumer before a notary? and What are the legal consequences of a fiduciary agreement made unilaterally by a financing institution without the presence of the consumer in front of a notary? This research study uses empirical legal research, namely a legal research method that uses empirical facts that involve lots of interviewing names, sources and data. Support is presented to complement the facts/interviews conducted through direct observation. This research uses several theoretical bases including: Agreement Theory, Legal Certainty Theory, Legal Protection Theory and Justice Theory. Agreement Theory and Legal Certainty Theory are used to discuss the first problem formulation, and Legal Protection Theory and Justice Theory are used to discuss the second problem formulation. A Fiduciary Agreement is a follow-up agreement to a main agreement (accessoir) which requires the parties to carry out an achievement, which contains rights and obligations so that it is mandatory for the parties to sign the agreement and not be represented by just one party.


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