In today's digital era, young children are already familiar with gadgets. Parents often
allow their children to focus on playing with gadgets every day. This can certainly
impact the children, one of which is difficulties in socializing. Therefore, there is a
need for the discourse on reconstructing traditional children's games, one of which
is the “meong-meongan” game, through the social media platform TikTok, to
preserve Indonesian culture in the era 5.0. The purpose of this study is to describe
the traditional game of “meong-meongan” to reintroduce it to children. The research
methodology used is a literature review on children's games. The results of this study
are, firstly, the discourse on reconstructing the traditional form of the “meongmeongan” game using social media TikTok. This game is quite simple, involving
chasing and catching friends with eyes closed, accompanied by the MeongMeongan song or other Balinese regional songs. The game is reconstructed by
recording it anew and uploading it to social media TikTok so it can be viewed by
everyone. Secondly, the function of the “meong-meongan” game plays a role in
honing abilities in strategies to chase and catch opponents and also trains the eyes
as well as the strength of legs and hands. Moreover, it can enhance focus in children
by observing their peers who play the role of mice to be caught. This game also
fosters unity among children and a sense of community through cooperation.
Another function that can be learned from the “meong-meongan” game is training
patience to wait and catch the opponent, as well as preserving Balinese regional
songs as the accompaniment to this game. Thirdly, in Bali, children's games and
regional children’s songs are cultural aspects that need to be preserved to this day.
The meaning of this game is to train organization, cooperation, and individual social
skills in children. This research is essential in the era 5.0, which is increasingly
advanced with the rapid development of technology impacting children's intelligence
and the fading of social and cultural developments. Therefore, there is a need to
reconstruct traditional children's games, including the “meong-meongan” game in
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