Indonesia is an agricultural country that has a fairly large territory with diverse resources. In utilizing these resources, activities are carried out, one of which is in the agricultural sector, thereby producing food, energy sources and other things for the community. Gianyar Regency is one of nine regencies/cities in Bali Province. The livelihood of the people in the Gianyar Regency area is mostly farming
One of the developments in vegetable sales activities at the Pasar Rakyat Gianyar can be done through social media technology, so that production results can be absorbed more optimally, but an effective social media marketing strategy must be adjusted to target consumers and the products needed by consumers. Judging from the vegetable marketing planning vegetables at the Gianyar People's Market: (a) The products sold, especially vegetables, are very diverse and in fresh condition when sold to consumers, but there are also many traders selling similar goods so there is still a lot of competition in selling similar products (b) Prices offered to consumers is also different depending on the type of consumer who buys retail or wholesale, so that consumers who buy in bulk get cheaper prices. (c) In simple terms, the place for vegetable sales activities at the Pasar Rakyat Gianyar is strategic and easy to reach for consumers because it is located in the middle of the city. Traders usually sell in the parking basement and on the 2nd floor of the market, with strategic selling places consumers can choose and make purchase transactions easily (d) The promotions carried out are still lacking because they only rely on buyers coming in person, but some traders are already using digital technology to place orders via WhatsApp.
From the conclusions above, the following suggestions can be drawn. More vegetable products are being sold, so consumers are interested in shopping, especially cafes or restaurants that require organic raw materials. Prices are maintained for consumers who buy in bulk so that consumers do not switch to other traders. Distribution is carried out widely, not only in the surrounding area. Promotion through the use of digital technology to be carried out to develop sales.
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