After a long time since the MBKM program was launched, until now there has been
no research that attempts to carry out reflection. Reflection needs to be done to
find out whether universities experience obstacles in implementing MBKM. What
obstacles do universities experience in implementing the MBKM program? Apart
from that, with reflection, universities can rethink the various shortcomings that
exist in implementing the MBKM program. In writing this article, the author used
qualitative research methods using a library approach. Data collection in this paper
begins with collecting various appropriate literature in the form of written text and
soft copy, for example books and scientific articles published online. The results of
this research show that several problems that need to be reflected on do not only
originate from universities and study programs as organizers, but are also faced by
implementers, namely students and lecturers as well as partners, both government
agencies and partners from the business and industrial world. From the organizers,
there are still universities and study programs that have not fulfilled the conversion
of student scores. The study program has difficulty adjusting the course load with
partner universities. Lack of information in understanding the concept and benefits
of the MBKM program. At a practical level, several problems arise for small
universities or universities with remote, outermost and underdeveloped
geographical locations.
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