In efforts to increase salak productivity, inorganic fertilizers are often used. This inorganic fertilizer has a negative impact on soil and environmental conditions, including changing the structure of the soil, making the soil compact, reducing the nutrient content in the soil, and causing environmental pollution. Continuous application of inorganic fertilizers over a long period of time can impact the presence of microorganisms in the soil so that ultimately soil fertility will be disrupted. Efforts to maintain soil fertility and environmental sustainability so that plant productivity remains high require efforts to develop cultivation methods using organic fertilizers or biological fertilizers. One source of biological fertilizer is arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The research was carried out from August 2023 to February 2024. This research was conducted in Selat Village, Karangasem Regency. The materials used in this research were soil samples, Johnson's solution, endomycorrhiza, urea fertilizer, digrow leaf fertilizer, manure. This research used a Randomized Group Design (RAK). The results showed that the dose of mycorrhiza had a significant effect on the stem diameter and root infection variables. The highest stem diameter was obtained at the D1 dose (75 spores), namely 1.60 cm, at four months after planting observations which was significantly different from D0 (control), namely 1.28 cm. Meanwhile, the highest root infection in the two months after planting observation was obtained at the D3 dose (225 spores), which was 92.50%, which was significantly different from D0 (control), which was 36.25% in the four months after planting observation. The highest root infection was obtained at the D2 dose (150 spores). namely 82.50%, which is significantly different from D0 (control), which is 10.00%. The volcanic sand carrier medium showed the highest total plant dry weight, namely 3.59 g, which was significantly different from sea sand, namely 2.43 g.
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