• I Gusti Ngurah Tri Adiputra Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra
  • I Ketut Adhimastra Program Studi Arsitektur, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Dwijendra
Kata Kunci: Messo phenomena-Hulu-Teben Karang Umah consept-traditional settlement spatial system of Karang Umah at Bayung Gede custom village


Bayung Gede custom village is a traditional one placed at the middle mountain range in Bali island. It’s grouped in to a Bali Aga traditional settlement (Dwijendra 2009:26) with the characteristic of : (i) a specific social-cultural structure order, (ii) the lack of Hindu-Majapahit influence, (iii) situating at the mountain range of Bali island, and (iv) a linear simple housing.  The similar matter is confirmed by Pardiman (1986:73), that is : …”…..the main axis is running through the middle of the village of Bayung Gede…….” . The village core is a communal open space as the traditional settlement characteristic at the mountain range village/Bali Aga.

Some observation results/grand tour at the Balinese traditional mountain range  settlement/ Bali Aga at Bayung Gede custom village show that it has three architectural uniqueness phenomena (Tri Adiputra, 2013:3) such as : (i) a macro level of the village custom scale, (ii) a mezzo level of Karang Umah scale and (iii) micro level of housing scale. For the second phenomenon, it’s found that : (i) three variant positions of gate at  North, West and North Karang Umah, (ii) the position of linear housings at North Karang Umah and the open space at South Karang Umah and (iii) is a double gaps at the fence as a connecting wall between two Karang Umahs called pemesu pisaga/ pemelesatan.

The research used phenomenology paradigm of Hussrel to reveal concepts behind some existences of architectural phenomena at mezzo level of Karang Umah scale. It’s realized that the specific phenomena is intentionality  of consciousness. The meaning essence is gained by three steps of reduction (Husserl in Hadiwijono, 1993:143), such as : (i) phenomenological reduction, (ii) eidetic reduction and (iii) transcendental reduction.

Some research results show that : (i) Hulu-Teben (sacred-profane) concepts of Karang Umah and setting up of Rurung Gede and Rurung Desa at traditional housing generate the existence of ; (a) the there gates position (at North, West and East of Karang Umah) and (b) the  linear position    of housing at North and the open space at South Karang Umah, and (ii) Natah Gelahan Bareng (shared open space) concept has an implication on the existence of pemesuan pisaga/pemelesatan as connecting wall between Karang Umahs.


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