• Muhammad Zaki Mubarrak Program Doktor Ilmu Hukum , Universitas Sebelas Maret,
  • Adi Sulistiyono Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi H Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: The fourth Industrial Revolution, Revitalization of Cultural Tourism, Indigenous Peoples of Bali


The fourth industrial revolution gave concern that is the replacement of the human era into the era of digital digitization. These concerns must be faced together with the existence of a creative, communicative, critical and collaborative mindset without losing the distinctive characteristics of the Indonesian nation's values ​​which hold firm together and do not prioritize individualism. Bali Province is one of the world's tourist destinations that is experiencing rapid development, especially with the flow of investment into it. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency of Bali Province, it is stated that the rapid development of tourism in Bali is marked by the rise of hotel construction. In 1970 the island of Bali had 500 lodging rooms, then in 1980 it became 8000 rooms and in 1990 Bali had 20,000 and 30,000 rooms in early 2000. The skyrocketing development in Bali then affected the loss of cultural tourism characteristics which in the past Bali was known as tourism with the culture. Anthropologist Shinji Yamashita said that Bali became the last paradise after European citizens' boredom towards tourism in Europe so they visited Bali to enjoy cultural tourism. The focus to be examined as an issue in this paper is to interpret the fourth industrial revolution the momentum for revitalizing cultural tourism in Bali. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the revitalization of Balinese culture in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution. The momentum in question is the opening of a new cultural tourism site with cultural characteristics that are far from the center of Bali which certainly aims to revitalize Bali tourism in accordance with the values ​​of the Balinese people. Utilization of the fourth industrial revolution the use of digitizing promotions that are managed collectively by the Balinese indigenous community unit with one application made jointly between the people and the government of Bali. In addition, the Regional Government must be firm by issuing a Regional Regulation on the Revitalization of Bali Tourism and by providing training in digitizing promotions and Internet access so that the hope is the return of new Balinese tourism with cultural characteristics and at the same time equalizing the economy of the Balinese people which is not only centralized around the South of the island of Bali. The most important point of the fourth industrial revolution that it is faced as a momentum for revitalizing Balinese tourism based on customary law and promoting natural harmony.


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