• Gede Sutrisna English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Dwijendra University,
  • I Gusti Ayu Indah Triana Juliari English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Pedagogy, Dwijendra University,
Keywords: problem-based learning, writing,, collaborative skills


This study aimed at investigating the impact of problem-based learning (PBL) on students’ writing skills and
the process of teaching and learning. An embedded mixed-method design was applied involving 41 seventh
grade students of SMP Negeri 4 Denpasar. In this study, the quantitative data were students’ writing skills
which were collected through writing test. The students’ writing were scored by using analytical scoring
rubric. Then, the acquired data were analyzed statistically by using descriptive statistics and paired sample ttest.
Meanwhile, the qualitative data were obtained from classroom observation which was facilitated by field notes; and questionnaire administration which was facilitated by open-ended questionnaire. The results
revealed significant difference in students’ writing skills before and after the study. Problems were found to
stimulate them to produce better content and organization of writing. During PBL activities, students were
observed to actively share ideas and work collaboratively in composing their writing. Such a classroom situation has brought an implication that PBL obviously managed to improve students’ collaborative learning


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