• Alfin Pratama Teknik Informatika,STMIK STIKOM INDONESIA
  • I Nyoman Alit Arsana Teknik Informatika, STMIK STIKOM INDONESIA
Keywords: Application, Regional Dances, Android


Lombok is one of the islands that has many regional dances such as Rudat Dance, Oncer Dance, Beruk Tinjal Dance, Begirangan Dance and others. But the younger generation tends to start to pursue modern dance from abroad and start to forget the traditional dance of Lombok. At present there is still a lack of information media both print and online media that preach or teach about traditional dances on the island of Lombok to be an obstacle that exists so that there are not so many people who know the dance typical of the island of Lombok. To help overcome this, that is by utilizing technological advances that can be used easily, practically, quickly and precisely to provide information. By creating an application for the introduction of regional dances on the island of Lombok which contains media for learning traditional dances, dance functions, dance history, videos and accessories used. This application runs on devices on Android-based smartphones and is designed using Unity with the C # programming language. The results of this study are the Application of Introduction to Regional Dance in Lombok Island Based on Android. Testing in this study uses black box testing, which tests various features that exist in the application of regional dance introduction on the island of Lombok with five test scenarios. From the test results it was found that all the features that have been tested in accordance with the design that has been made, so that this application can later be applied as a medium of information and learning so that culture remains preserved.


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