• I Gusti Putu Hardi Yudana ITB STIKOM Bali
  • Luh Putu Ayu Prapitasari ITB STIKOM Bali
Keywords: information system, website, students enrollment


When the research was started, there was no information system of the high school of SMA Negeri 1 Marga that could be accessed online by the students, teachers and public users. At that time all the important announcements, including the information about students’ enrollment (PPDB) are announced conventionally, e.g. by using the announcement boards and loudspeakers at the school. The applicants had to visit the school and brought all the required documents with. The aim of this research was to develop a web-based information system for the SMA Negeri 1 Marga which will provide all the information about the school and provide a better and faster students’ enrollment system that is simple, accurate, yet appropriate for all the users. This research is done based on Research and Development model that is adapted from Borg & Gall and Sugiyono models, which consists of 8 stages, including: (1) potency and problem, (2) data gathering, (3) product design, (4) design validation, (5) design revision, (6) product testing, (7) product revision and (8) mass production. Based on the resulting system, everyone in the school were very excited, because: (1) the newly created system can be used and accessed anywhere and anytime, (2) the newly created system can be used by the school to deliver information faster and easier, and (3) for public users, it can be used to search for information about the school including the information about students and the enrollment system.


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