Studi Kasus Kegiatan Pasraman Kilat Tingkat Dasar Desa Pekraman Kekeran

  • I Made Astra Winaya Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Dwijendra
Keywords: lightning fast, elementary school, interpersonal intelligence


This research is motivated by the strong desire of researchers to find out the effectiveness of the implementation of basic level pasraman activities in shaping the interpersonal intelligence of participants. This basic level of lightning pasraman activity is designed to minimize the negative impact of online games that cause children's interpersonal intelligence to develop and tend to be individualistic due to lack of interaction and communication with their friends. Lightning pasraman activities are strategies that can encourage children to be better able to make friends, interact and socialize well. The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical information about basic level pasraman activities in shaping students' interpersonal intelligence starting from planning, implementation and evaluation carried out in Selanbawak Village, Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. This research design is a qualitative research design with case study method. The population of this study was 84 students in grade V and VI elementary schools in Selanbawak Village. Data collection techniques with observation and interview techniques. Data analysis obtained was done descriptively qualitative. Based on the research results obtained information that the development of students' interpersonal intelligence develops well. The ability to show (1) the attitude of being able to play together, (2) the attitude of being able to distinguish friends who are sad, angry and happy, (3) the attitude of wanting to play together and interact with their peers, (4) the attitude of showing interest or willingness to play in groups or bertim, (5) The attitude of accepting friends of different sexes, (6) The attitude of accepting the physical condition of friends, (7) Can be independent and detached from parents, (8) Show sympathetic responses to friends and others, (9) Understand the consequences if commits violations and is responsible, (10) Speaking and listening to other people's conversations first, (11) Showing pleasure helping his friends. This attitude arises when students are actively involved in basic level pasraman activities in Selanbawak Village.


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