• Dewa Ayu Made Manu Okta Priantini Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dwijendra Denpasar, Indonesia
  • G.A Mas Darwati Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Dwijendra Denpasar, Indonesia
Keywords: lesson plan theme Air Bumi dan Matahari in class II, integrated thematic learning, Tri Hita Karana, Curriculum 2013


The development of the RPP's theme Air Bumi dan Matahari 4-D model that consists of four main phases, namely: define, design, development, dessiminate. RPP development is only performed on the stage of development. The initial design of the resulting device called a draft 1, validated by experts and practitioners then analyzed and produced a device called the revised draft 2, further draft 2 conducted a limited field test at six elementary schools Cluster Pandu Jembrana district. The research method with descriptive analysis using validity parameters, quality of product design lesson plans and teacher perceptions of the integrated thematic learning. The results showed that the results of the validation experts and practitioners RPP design theme Air Bumi dan Matahari achievements 0, 907 then categorized lesson plan very well and fit for use, while the enforceability of RPP with an average value of 88.47 which includes a category 3 / well, so that used in learning, and teachers' perceptions of the level of integrated thematic learning meliliki categories with an average rating score of 83.73. From the findings of the research concluded RPP product development theme Air Bumi dan Matahari in class II meets both criteria, practical, and effective way to implement.


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