This study aims to determine the proportion of fulfillment of public service advertisement (PSA) obligations in TVRI Bali public broadcasting institutions. In addition, in order to find out the problems and challenges in fulfilling the PSA percentage and assessing the compliance of broadcasters with the provisions in the Broadcasting Law, Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Regulation No. 01 / P / KPI / 03/2012 concerning Broadcasting Behavior Guidelines (P3) and Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Regulation No. 02 / P / KPI / 03/2012 concerning Broadcast Program Standards (SPS). The approach used is a case study approach by processing data in the form of TVRI Bali programming that has aired the period October to December 2018. PSA broadcasts obtained were then calculated in duration and percentage for later analysis descriptively. The duration of PSA calculated in this study is limited to local broadcasts per day, because most broadcasts are still relaying TVRI Jakarta. The result TVRI Bali has not met the minimum requirements for PSA broadcasting and has not included PSA in waste management as broadcast material. Opportunities to broadcast PSAs in waste management are still open because the duration is still possible and there are still PSAs that are broadcast 2-3 times in 4 hours of local broadcasts.
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